Friday-Sunday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Monday-Thursday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

About Splash Pools
Splash Pool's legacy began back in the early 1970s when Mr. Luigi Spedini (founder of Agrisilos S.r.l. and Piscine Laghetto) developed a round swimming pool that incorporated an inflatable collar. This pool design was so unique that a patent was applied for and received in Europe (patent no. 168558). This pool was then branded and sold by Piscine Laghetto of Vescovato, Italy.
Laghetto pools were introduced into the United States as a result of an exclusive marketing and distribution arrangement between Splash SuperPools, Ltd. and Agrisilos in 1986. Due to the overwhelming acceptance of the pool by families everywhere, importing of the pools could not keep up with the demand resulting in Splash establishing manufacturing operations in Little Rock, Arkansas.
Splash continues to serve as the industry standard by offering more shapes, sizes, and depths than any other above-ground pool seller in the market. Furthermore, we continue to service more and more commercial customers by providing aquatic products that meet the unique demands of our customers, regardless of the pool’s intended size or use.

The SuperPool, the standard for the ever-growing structurally-supported above-ground pool market, is the fruit of a commitment to innovation which has been on-going for more than 30 years and tested in extreme conditions around the world.
The liner is the centerpiece of the SuperPool and one that revolutionized the above-ground pool market. We spent years developing a liner that is incredibly strong and durable, and is treated with a special coating that prevents dirt from attaching to exposed areas and provides protection against damage caused by UV light, mildew, and other fungi. The pool structure is made from zinc-coated steel and goes through a deliberate process of shaping and varnishing to ensure years of trouble free use.
The seven standard sizes available give you the opportunity to choose the right size pool to meet your personal needs. However, should you need a special size, we can build a pool to meet most size requirements. Building custom pools is one of our specialties. We have built pools as small as 4’ x 4’ and as large as 108’ x 312’, along with many imaginable sizes in-between. The same SuperPool used in your backyard has been used for various special and dynamic activities all over the world.